Salmaan Sana

The services I provide and have created have are split into three departments.

One part is the work I do as a consultant. The next is working with events and projects as a speaker/moderator, and the last are the masterclasses and online courses I give in different settings

You can find more information about each one hereunder.

“The law of conservation of energy states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed – only converted from one form of energy to another.”
– Émilie du Châtelet


I work by stepping, with one foot, in a team or organisation, supporting them internally.No matter the size, whether it is live in person or online, I love to bring people together. Plan a call with me and we can navigate what challenges you face and what impact we can make, together.

speaker & moderator

Speaking is more than just standing on a stage and reciting text that you’ve learned. It is about showing up, being yourself, shedding your ego and standing for something bigger than yourself. You can probably remember the speakers who connected with you and those who felt very far away. The feeling that a speaker has made an impression is often what we want to learn to convey when we speak ourselves.

masterclasses and online course

I look forward to compiling the information and wisdom on different topics and sharing them in an easy and accessible form. I also like to bring people together because of a specific topic or theme. Please find out more by getting in touch with me or clicking here.

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” ― Margaret Mead