No matter the size, whether it is live in person or online, I love to bring people together. These gatherings can be through crafted sessions, or high stake organised events. I use such interventions and moments to break open dialogues and get the most important topics on the table.

“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
– Maya Angelou

I have been guiding and taking people on journeys since forever. This goes back to days of designing and organising summer schools to leadership journey’s abroad, each time getting people to connect with themselves, each other and the world.

I work by stepping, with one foot, in a team or organisation, supporting them internally. I join them in their quest to develop all levels of Leadership, addressing interventions for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, and building sustainable behaviour that will positively change the company culture.

Often an organisation will have a clear mission and vision, a set of values, and even a laid-out strategy. But they struggle with onboarding their entire organisation, getting each person to embody the company’s mission, and making it their own.

client questions

Although it is impossible to summarise the variety and diversity of clients questions, some common thread questions come back. Here is a selection and see if this in any way resonates with what you are experiencing:

What are creative interventions that will help unite all our employees?

How can I get my team to work more effectively together?

How can we develop more ownership and accountability within each employee and all our teams?

How can I get my team to align their mission with that of the companies?

How do we onboard our entire organisation with the new strategy we’ve created?

How can we positively change the culture within our organisation?

To create alignment within an organisation, develop an inclusive environment, and bring the team together, I take some practical steps from listening, designing, and creating interventions to actionable next steps.


The First Step is to listen, learn and orientate


  • What is the current strategy for the team/organisation? 
  • Diagnosis of the interventions already in place. 
  • Assess the gaps and what needs to be done 
  • Learn what the ambitions and wishes are on different levels.

The Second Step is to design & suggest specific interventions 


  • What fits the current timeline and planning? 
  • What are concrete interventions that fit the needs?

The Fourth Step is to evaluate, make a post-assessment and next steps.


  • What impact have the interventions had? 
  • Making sure that the intended outcome has been reached. 
  • See what next steps are needed.
  • How can we make this change lasting?

The Third Step is to roll out and co-create these interventions


  • Working with key people within the organisation.
  • Facilitating/Moderating interactive sessions

To create alignment within an organisation, develop an inclusive environment, and bring the team together, I take some practical steps from listening, designing, and creating interventions to actionable next steps.


The First Step is to listen, learn and orientate


  • What is the current strategy for the team/organisation? 
  • Diagnosis of the interventions already in place. 
  • Assess the gaps and what needs to be done 
  • Learn what the ambitions and wishes are on different levels.

The Second Step is to design & suggest specific interventions 


  • What fits the current timeline and planning? 
  • What are concrete interventions that fit the needs?

The Third Step is to roll out and co-create these interventions


  • Working with key people within the organisation.
  • Facilitating/Moderating interactive sessions

The Fourth Step is to evaluate, make a post-assessment and next steps.


  • What impact have the interventions had? 
  • Making sure that the intended outcome has been reached. 
  • See what next steps are needed.
  • How can we make this change lasting?

what others say

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” ― Margaret Mead