Salmaan Sana

One way of describing myself is that I am an open, warm and positive person. I strongly believe in the power of connection and finding fun, creative ways to solve the more minor and more significant challenges that we face in the world.

“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together”

– African Proverb

You can wake me up in the middle of the night if it has something to do with working with people or on projects trying to make a positive impact. I may be a little crazy like that, but I can’t tell you what unique experiences I have had and how it resonates with a deeper part of my being.

When I look back at the initiatives, I started or have been a part of, something incredible happens when like-spirited people come together.

my life and philosophy

My life has been quite a journey, and I’ve experienced the rougher side too. These experiences have shaped me as an individual and have consistently reminded me of taking fate into my own hands.

Through my spiritual practices and common sense, I realised that the only way to change things is by going deeper within myself. When I take responsibility and claim my power, I know I can profoundly change something within myself and my surroundings.

This truth may be a no brainer, but life is dauntingly short. And as much as I take each day at a time, my eager beaver persona continues to find ways to learn, grow and become a better human being. I share my learnings & and openly take others with me.

I care…

about the people I work with and for. Once you get close to me, I bridge professionalism with friendship and make working together something we are doing as a unit.

I care about the world, where it is and where it is going. However, I sometimes have a hard time following the news since all of the pain and suffering can overwhelm me—most of all making me feel paralysed and powerless.

And yet, I purposely keep my eyes open to what is happening. I allow myself to feel whatever I feel and use that as motivation to put me back on my mission.

And with that, I am in service of what the world needs and how I can contribute to the bigger picture. I want to act as a vessel for changing things for the better.

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